Thursday, April 18, 2013

Security Guards

Many small businesses are located in area that are off the beaten track. This is because it is a lot cheaper to rent, lease or buy a more isolated property. The cost of business rates are lower too. So you find yourself on a small business park in the middle of nowhere and a little vulnerable.

Security is going to be an issue, especially if you have high value stock or equipment.There are high tech alarm system, big expensive lock or you can always get a camp bed and sleep at work too. Alternatively and probably the best option, is to find a local security company already patrolling businesses nearby. After all if you are out of town on a small industrial estate so are other people.

You can negotiate a price for a few mobile security patrols, put up some signs (free advertising for the security company) and you have a visible security presence.

That way you won't have to get up in the middle of the night when the alarm activates, you can go home at night and not have to carry a huge bunch of keys around.

Lets face it when you're a small business things are tough enough without having to worry about security. I use a security company in Bournemouth to keep an eye on a small out of town lock up unit. It worlks less expensive that high tech alarms and I can sleep all night (in my own bed). Security Guards Bournemouth is all my sign says and it's certainly doing it's job.

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