Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fake TV for Home Security

 FakeTV Burglar Deterrent Device accurately simulates a real television in your home at night, which discourages a burglar breaking into your house because they don’t want to run the risk of confronting a real person. Statistics show that most burglars don’t want to run the risk of having to confront someone in the house they are breaking into. The FakeTV suggests to the potential burglar that someone is in the house so they move onto an easier target. No one wants to leave their TV on because it uses too much electricity and it can reduce the life of your TV which is a very expensive item. The Fake Television simulates scene changes, light fades, light flickers, on-screen motion and colour changes so it looks just like someone is watching a real television. Burglars know that breaking into an occupied house and confronting a person massively increases the risk of him being caught and it also increases the seriousness of the offence and hence the prison sentence if they are caught.Using FakeTV could not be simpler, just place it in a room near your closed curtains and the burglar will see the constantly changing light around the edges of the curtains. Plug the FakeTV into the mains electricity using the included adapter and the built in light sensor will turn FakeTV on at dusk for 4 or 7 hours, so there is no need for an external timer

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Corporation Tax and Google

Every limited company in the UK and most of the world have to pay corporation tax. Even giants like Google. But here is a funny story for you. Google have developed a perfectly legal tax strategy the reduces their liability to just a few percent of their multi billion dollar profits.
Ok I know all the really big players do this but I wonder how many of them work out of Dublin in Ireland and pull this off? The key to this very clever strategy is a Google office in Holland that employs no staff at all. It's simply a way of shipping the money out of the Irish tax system and on to Bermuda. Of course you may well know that Bermuda has no corporation tax, it's 0%.

So why the stop off in Holland? That's because the Irish government levy a large tax on companies sending money out of the EU. So a quick stop in Holland and Google can ship about 99% of the Irish money all the way to Bermuda. What a great loophole. In fact it's so good Apple, Microsoft and IBM are all rinding this completely legal and very profitable gravy train.

It seems that if you have a lot of money and enough lawyers and accountants Corporation tax is just a minor expense. Maybe as low as 3 or 4 percent of the total profits. This is the kind of tax planning that you have to admire, all be it grudgingly. While governments are squeezing the little guys harder and harder the big boys (the biggest of all) are laughing all the way to the bank of Bermuda.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Security Guards

Many small businesses are located in area that are off the beaten track. This is because it is a lot cheaper to rent, lease or buy a more isolated property. The cost of business rates are lower too. So you find yourself on a small business park in the middle of nowhere and a little vulnerable.

Security is going to be an issue, especially if you have high value stock or equipment.There are high tech alarm system, big expensive lock or you can always get a camp bed and sleep at work too. Alternatively and probably the best option, is to find a local security company already patrolling businesses nearby. After all if you are out of town on a small industrial estate so are other people.

You can negotiate a price for a few mobile security patrols, put up some signs (free advertising for the security company) and you have a visible security presence.

That way you won't have to get up in the middle of the night when the alarm activates, you can go home at night and not have to carry a huge bunch of keys around.

Lets face it when you're a small business things are tough enough without having to worry about security. I use a security company in Bournemouth to keep an eye on a small out of town lock up unit. It worlks less expensive that high tech alarms and I can sleep all night (in my own bed). Security Guards Bournemouth is all my sign says and it's certainly doing it's job.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Company ID Cards

One of the things that can make a company stand out from the crowd are good quality well designed staff badges. Even a small business or one man band can benefit. The problem is that grafic design cost money and if you only want one or two badges you are likely to pay a premium. Now all that has changed.Security Guard Gosport
have free designs and no minimum order quantity. So even the tightest buget is catered for. This service has been launch to help smaller businesses take advantage of their service.  You'll able to offer loyalty cards, visitor badges and staff ID cards at a low cost. Still very high quality and big investment.

To promote a business loyalty and reward card are very effective and compared to advertising very cheap. The problem has always been the cost of producing the cards and quantity required to make it viable. That is not the case with custom design.

So why not give your business image a boost and increase you visibility ?